1. The first authors suggesting this were: Berman,S.M., Drell,S.D.: Phys. Rev. 133, B 791 (1964).
2. See e.g.: Satz,H.: Rapporteur's Talk at the 1971 Amsterdam International Conference on Elementary Particles.
3. Satz,H., Schilling,K.: Aspects of Diffraction Dissociation, to appear in the Proceedings of the Colloquium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Helsinki 1971.
4. Some authors even speculate that diffractive dissociation cross-sections diverge logarithmically. See e.g.: Stodolsky,L.: SLAC-Pub 864 (1971).
5. Cheng,H., Wu,T.T.: DESY Preprint 71/36.