1. G.E. Maurer, “Primary and Secondary Melt Processing—Superalloys,” Superalloys, Supercomposites and Superceramics, ed. Tien and Caulfield (New York: Academic Press, 1989),pp. 49–97.
2. A. Mitchell, “The Production of High-Quality Materials by Special Melting Processes,” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, A5(4) (1987), pp. 2672–2677.
3. F.J. Zanner and L.A. Bertram, “Vacuum Arc Remelting—An Overview” (Report, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque,NM 87185).
4. R.A. Sprague and S.J. Friesen, “Superalloy Component Durability Enhancements,” JOM, 38(7) (July 1986), pp. 24–30.
5. T.B. Massalski et al., eds., Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams (Metals Park, OH: ASM, 1986), pp. 1682, 1768.