Key Ideas on Mobility and Social Security after Brexit


Carrascosa Bermejo Dolores


AbstractThis article provides a general understanding of the main aspects of mobility (no longer referred to as free movement) and social security coordination, in the Brexit international agreements that govern the relationship of the EU with the United Kingdom: the Withdrawal Agreement (WA) and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA). The article shows that both topics, mobility (or migration) and social security coordination, were relevant to the origins of Brexit. Before analysing both Brexit Agreements, the article gives a comparative overview of them, considering their principal features and their relationship. The article then analyses the mobility and coordination of social security in each agreement from a practical perspective, giving examples and highlighting the significant differences in coverage that they generate for the different citizens included in their personal scope.


Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Law,Political Science and International Relations

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1. Brexit y migración: revisión de literatura;Apuntes del Cenes;2022-07-25







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