1. J. M. A. Lenihan, S. J. Thomson (Eds.), Activation Analysis, Principles and Applications, Academic Press, London, 1965.
2. J. M. A. Lenihan, Collected Papers: Vol. 3, Activation Analysis, Western Regional Hospital Board, Glasgow, 1969.
3. R. A. Nadkarni, W. D. Ehmann, Radiochem. Radioanal Letters, 2 (1969) 161.
4. E. J. Bailey, E. L. Kennaway, M. E. Urquhart, British J. Cancer, 11 (1957) 49.
5. R. A. Nadkarni, W. D. Ehmann, Modern Trends in Activation Analysis, National Bureau of Standards, Spec. Publ. No. 312, Vol. 1, 1969, p. 190.