1. Abramova Z. V., 1966a. (The duration of pistil viability in relation to growing conditions of the plants). Zap. leningr. sel.'-khoz. Inst. 105 (3): 22–29 (Pl. Breed. Abstr. 39, 1969:6416).
2. Abramova Z. V., 1966b. (The viability of wheat pollen in relation to its method of storage). Zap. leningr. sel.'-khoz. Inst. 105 (3): 30–35 (Pl. Breed. Abstr. 39, 1969:6424).
3. Arp, A. L., 1967. Pollen amount and distribution in relation to seed set of male-sterile Triticum aestivum. M. S. Thesis, Dep. Agron. Kansas State Univ., Manhattan, 81 pp. Cited by Goss (1968).
4. Askenasy, E., 1879. Über das Aufblühen der Gräser. In: Verhandl. Naturhist. Med. Ver. Heidelberg, n.F., Bd 2: 261–273. Cited by Leighty & Sando (1924).
5. Athwal R. S. & Kimber G., 1970. Anther size and pollen longevity in wheat/rye addition lines. Wheat Inf. Serv. Kyoto Univ. 30:30–32.