1. Indicates key paper27 Dix: E.H. Dix and W.D. Keith, “Equilibrium Relations in Aluminum-Manganese Alloys of High Purity,” Proc. AIME, Inst. Metals Div., 315–335 (1927). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
2. 30Ish: T. Ishiwara, “On the Equilibrium Diagrams of the Aluminum-Manganese, Copper-Manganese and Iron-Manganese Systems,”Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ., 19, 499–511 (1930). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
3. 31Bra: A.J. Bradley and P. Jones, “The Aluminum-Manganese System of Alloys,”Philos. Mag., 12, 1137–1152 (1931). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
4. Indicates key paper33Dix: E.H. Dix, W.L. Fink, and L.A. Willey, “Equilibrium Relations in Aluminum-Manganese Alloys of High Purity, II,”Trans. AIME, 104, 335–352 (1933). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
5. 38Hof: W. Hofmann, “Roentgenographic Methods in the Investigation of Aluminum Alloys,”Aluminium, 20, 865–872 (1938). (Crys Structure; Experimental)