1. The Kourovka Notebook: Unsolved Problems in Group Theory, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence (1983).
2. A. V. Borovik, ?Periodic linear groups over fields of odd characteristic,? in: Proceedings of the 16th All-Union Algebra Conference. II [in Russian], Leningrad (1981), p. 17.
3. D. A. Suprunenko, Matrix Groups [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1972).
4. M. Aschbacher, The Finite Simple Groups and Their Classification, Yale Univ. Press, New Haven-London (1970).
5. A. V. Borovik, ?Embeddings of finite Chevalley groups and periodic linear groups,? Sib. Mat. Zh.,24, No. 6, 26?35 (1983).