AbstractIn this paper, steel–polyethylene hybrid fiber-reinforced strain-hardening cementitious composites (HECC) are applied in beam–column external joint core region to form a novel HECC/reinforced concrete (RC) composite beam–column joint with reduced anchorage length of beam longitudinal rebar and eliminated transverse rebar, and thus to alleviate rebar congestion and simplify the construction process efficiently especially for precast RC frame structures. Five external beam–column joint specimens are constructed and tested under cyclic loading to illustrate the influences of the anchorage length of beam longitudinal rebar and longitudinal rebar ratio on the seismic performance of beam–column joint. The effects of design parameters on seismic performance, including hysteresis behavior, degradation of strength, energy dissipation capacity, and cracking patterns are discussed in detail. Experimental results indicate that the replacement of normal concrete with HECC in beam–column joint core region could apparently reduce the amount of stirrups in the joint core area while maintaining reliable seismic behavior. Remarkably, specimen with no stirrups in the core area exhibits nearly equivalent seismic behavior to that of the control RC specimen. Furthermore, the application of HECC in joint core area allows for a substantial reduction of the required anchorage length for the beam longitudinal rebar to 9d, which further simplifies the construction process considerably.
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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