1. K. Morri and Y. Nahayama, in Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Texture of Materials, Santa Fe, U.S.A. (ICOTOM 8), edited by J. S. Kallend and Gottstein (Metallurgical Society, New York, 1988) p. 525.
2. O. Engler, J. Hirsch and K. Lücke, Acta Metall. 37 (1989) 2743.
3. D. J. Lloyd, in ?Formability and Metallurgical Structure?, edited by A. K. Sachdev and J. D. Embury (Met. Soc., AIME, 1986) p. 193.
4. B. J. Duggan, M. Hatherly, W. B. Hutchinson and P. T. Wakefield, Met. Sci. 12 (1978) 343.
5. M. Hatherly and A. S. Malin, Scripta Metall. 18 (1984) 449.