1. T.F. Walsh, R.K. Ellis: in Proceedings of the International Conference on High Energy Physics, Brighton (U.K.) (1983);
2. J. Guy, C. Costain eds.: Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, (1984)
3. I. Halliday: in Proceedings of the International Conference on High Energy Physics, Brighton, (U.K.) (1983);
4. J. Guy, C. Costain eds.: Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, (1984)
5. M. Baker, J.S. Ball, F. Zachariasen: Nucl. Phys.B 186, 531 560 (1981);B226, 455 (1983);B229, 445, (1983); M. Baker, L Carson, J.S. Ball, F. Zachariasen: Nucl. PhysB229, 456 (1983); M. Baker, F. Zachariasen: Phys. Lett.108B, 206 (1982)