1. D. Bohm andD. Pines:Phys. Rev.,92, 609 (1953);K. Sawada, K. A. Brueckner, N. Fukuda andR. Brout:Phys. Rev.,108, 507 (1957);J. Hubbard:Proc. Roy. Soc., A240, 539 (1957);243, 336 (1957);L. D. Landau:Žurn. Ėksp. Teor. Fiz.,32, 59 (1957);V. M. Galitskij andA. B. Migdal:Žurn. Ėksp. Teor. Fiz.,34, 139 (1958).
2. After this manuscript was prepared we were shown a preprint byH. Ehrenerich andM. H. Cohen (Submitted toPhys. Rev.) which also discusses this method and its application to solidstate physics. We should also point out that many of the concepts used by us were previously discussed byJ. Lindhard:Dan. Mat. Fys. Medd.,28, no. 8 (1954).
3. W. Heisenberg:Phys. Zeits.,32, 737 (1931);A. Ahiezer andI. Pomerančuk:Journ. Phys. USSR,11, 167 (1947);G. C. Wick:Phys. Rev.,94, 1228 (1954);L. Van Hove:Phys. Rev.,95, 249 (1954);D. Pines andP. Nizières:Nuovo Cimento,9, 470 (1958).
4. A. E. Glassgold, W. Heckrotte andK. M. Watson:Ann. Phys.,6, 1 (1959).