1. H. W. Carpenter,Met. Prog., 1976, vol. 110, pp. 25–29.
2. D. R. Muzyka, C. R. Whitney and D. K. Schlosser,J. Met., 1975, vol. 27, pp. 11–15.
3. MATE Report submitted to NASA, Lewis Research Center, vol. 1, pp. 128-68, General Electric Co., Aircraft Engine Group, Evendale, OH, 1977.
4. D. F. Smith, E. F. Chatworthy, D. G. Tipton, and W. L. Mankins, “Superalloys 1980,”Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Superalloys, Seven Springs, Pa., pp. 521–30, ASM, Metals Park, OH, 1980.
5. E. Ross, General Electric Co., Evendale, OH, unpublished research, 1968.