1. W.W. Gerberich and N.R. Moody: inFatigue Mechanisms, J.T.Fong, ed., ASTM STP675, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1979, p. 292.
2. N. R. Moody and W. W. Gerberich:Metall. Trans. A, 1980, vol. 11A, pp. 973–81.
3. N. R. Moody and W. W. Gerberich:Metall. Trans. A, 1982, vol. 13A, pp. 1055–61.
4. W.W. Gerberich and A.G. Wright:Environmental Degradation of Engineering Materials in Hydrogen, M. R. Louthan, R. P. McNitt,and R. D Sisson, eds., V. P. I. Press, Blacksburg, VA, 1981, p. 183.
5. R.E. Stoltz and A.J. West:Hydrogen Effects in Metals, I. M.Bernstein and A. W. Thompson, eds., TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA,1981, p. 541.