1. W. W. Gerberich, ital: ASTM STP 370, pp. 154–71, 1965.
2. P. S. Trozzo and G. E. Pellisier:Metallurgical Society Conferences, H. D. Greenberg, ed., vol. 31, p. 281, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, N.Y., 1966.
3. F. B. Pickering: Symposium sponsored by Climax Molybdenum Company of Michigan and University of Michigan, p. 109, 1967.
4. H. I. Aaronson and H. A. Domian:Trans. TMS-AIME, 1966, vol. 236, p. 781.
5. J. S. Kirkaldy, R. J. Brigham, H. A. Domian, and R. G. Ward:Can. Met. Quart., 1963, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 233–41.