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2. D. Paladino, S. Guentay, M. Andreani, et al., “The EU–Rosatom ERCOSAM–SAMARA projects on containment thermal-hydraulics of current and future LWRs for severe accident management,” in: ICAPP’12 Proc., p. 12325.
3. M. Kamnev, O. Tyurikov, A. Khizbullin, et al., “Overview of SPOT experimental and analytical activities with KUPOL,” in: ICAPP’15, p. 15455.
4. M. Kamnev and A. Khisbullin, SPOT Facility Description, SAMARA/WP5/D5.11/2012–09.
5. M. Kamnev, SPOT Data Analysis Report, SAMARA/WP3/P3.14/2004–01.