1. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1209-r of 06.12.2017, On Approval of the General Scheme for the Location of Electric Power Facilities for the Period up to 2035, http://static.government.ru/media/files/zzvuuhfq2f3OJIK8AzKVsXrGIbW8ENGp.pdf, acc. Feb. 18, 2021.
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3. Draft Strategy for Long-Term Development of Russia with Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions up to 2050, https://economy.gov.ru/material/file/babacbb75d32d90e28d3298582d13a75/proekt_strategii.pdf, acc. Feb. 18, 2021.
4. Strategy for the Development of Nuclear Power in Russia up to 2050 and Prospects for the Period up to 2100, Rosatom, Moscow (2019).
5. E. O. Adamov, A. A. Kashirskii, E. V. Murav’ev, and D. A. Tolstoukhov, “Structure and parameters of two-component nuclear power in the transition to nuclear fuel cycle closure,” Izv. RAN. Energetika, No. 5, 14–32 (2016).