1. Abbott, J. R. (1985, June). ‘A man's task’: Women teachers and the turn-of-the-century public school inspectorate in Ontario. Paper presented to the Canadian Historical Association, Montreal.
2. Althouse, J. G. (1929).The Ontario teacher: A historical account of progress, 1800–1910. University of Toronto D. Paed. Also 1967 Ontario Teachers' Federation.
3. Apple, M. W. (1983). Work, class and teaching. In S. Walker & L. Barton (Eds.),Gender, class and education. New York: Falmer Press.
4. Bergen, B. H. (1982, Spring). Only a schoolmaster: Gender, class and the effort to professionalize elementary school teaching in England, 1870–1910.History of Education Quarterly,22.
5. Bernard, R. M., & Vinovsksis, M. A. (1977, Spring). The female school teacher in ante-bellum Massachusetts.Journal of Social History,10.