1. Bledsoe, W. W., “The Sup-Inf Method in Presburger Arithmetic”. The University of Texas at Austin, Math Department Memo ATP-18. December 1974. Essentially the same as: A new method for proving certain Presburger formulas. Fourth IJCAI, Tbilisi, USSR, September 3–8, 1975.
2. Bledsoe, W. W., “A Maximal Method for Set Variables in Automatic Theorem Proving”, Machine IJntelligence 9, (J. E. Hayes, D. Michie and L. I. Mikulich, eds.), Ellis Harwood Lim., Chichester, (1979) 53–100.
3. Bledsoe W. W., “Journal Ready Proofs: A New Standard for Interactive Proof Presentation”, Univ of Texas CS Dept Memo, ATP 88, (August 1989).
4. Bledsoe, W. W., “The Paracompactness Theorem”, Univ of Texas CS Dept Memo, ATP 96, (June 1989).
5. Bledsoe, W. W., and L. M. Hines, “Variable Elimination and Chaining in a Resolution-Base Prover for Inequalities”, Proc. 5th Conference on Automated Deduction, Les Arcs, France, Springer-Verlag, (July 1980) 70–87.