1. F. Anceau, "Design Methodology for Large Custom Processors". Proc. of the 1986 ESSIR Conference, Delft.
2. J. R. Armstrong, Chip-Level Modeling with VHDL, Prentice Hall, 1989.
3. J. P. Billon, "Perfect Normal Forms for Discrete Functions", BULL Research Report N o 87019, June 1987.
4. J. P. Billon, J. C. Madre, "Original Concepts of PRIAM, an Industrial Tool for Efficient Formal Verification of Combinational Circuits", in The Fusion of Hardware Design and Verification, G. J. Milne Editor, North Holland, 1988.
5. O. Coudert, J. C. Madre, "Logics over Finite Domain of Interpretation: Proof and Resolution Procedures", BULL Research Report to appear, 1989.