1. S. Albeverio: Some new developments concerning Dirichlet forms, Markov fields and quantum fields, SFB-Preprint, pp. 250–259 in “IXth International Congress on Mathematical Physics”, July 1988, Swansea '88, Edts., B. Simon, A. Truman, I.M. Davis, Adam Higer, Bristol and New York (1989)
2. Lect. Notes Control Inform. Sciences;S. Albeverio,1986
3. S. Albeverio, T. Arede: The relation between quantum mechanics and classical mechanics: a survey of some mathematical aspects, pp 37–76 in “Chaotic behaviour in Quantum Systems, Theory and Applications”, (Proc. Como 1983) Ed. G. Casati, Plenum Press, New York (1985)
4. S. Albeverio, T. Arede, Z. Haba: On left invariant Brownian motions and heat kernels of nilpotent Lie groups, Bochum Preprint (1988), to appear in J. Math. Phys.
5. S. Albeverio, Ph. Blanchard, S. Kusuoka, L. Streit: An inverse problem for stochastic differential equations, J. Stat. Phys. (1989)