Holographic visual cues for mission task elements


Jusko Tim,Walko Christian,Kante Louis


AbstractMission task elements (MTEs) are commonly used to evaluate the handling qualities (HQs) of rotorcraft. However, the traditional approach of physical ground courses faces challenges due to evolving rotorcraft designs and flight profiles. Infrastructure limitations and lack of flexibility for research pose significant obstacles, particularly for high-speed tasks. The emergence of new air vehicles, such as eVTOLs in the civil sector and future vertical lift configurations in the military domain, requires an adapted visual cueing process for previously unaddressed mission profiles. This paper proposes an innovative solution: an augmented reality (AR) system utilizing a head-mounted display to create virtual MTE courses called holographic visual cues (HVCs). A piloted simulation campaign performed at DLR’s AVES simulator compares the effectiveness of HVCs with dome projection-based visual cues, evaluating the performance of the AR system. The study investigated the impact of holographic visual cues on pilot handling qualities, workload ratings, and task performance, finding that although these cues typically do not significantly alter pilot ratings, individual responses varied, highlighting both the technology’s potential and the need for further refinement.


Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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