1. Hirschfelder, J.O., Curtiss, C.F., and Bird, R.B., Molecular Theory of Gases and Liquids, New York: Wiley, 1954. Translated under the title Molekulyarnaya teoriya gazov i zhidkostei, Moscow: Izd. Inostrannaya Literatura, 1961.
2. Moelwyn-Hughes, H.A., Physical Chemistry, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1961. Translated under the title Fizicheskaya khimiya, Moscow: Izd. Inostrannoi Literatury, 1962.
3. Reissland, J.A., The Physics of Phonons, London: Wiley, 1973. Translated under the title Fizika fononov, Moscow: Mir, 1975.
4. Kuz’menko, P.P., Dokl. Akad. Nauk Ukr. SSR Ser. A, 1974, no.11, p. 1040.
5. Zhen Shu and Davies, G.J., Phys. Status Solidi A, 1983, vol. 78, no. 2, p. 595.