Next-Generation Sequencing-Based Copy Number Variation Analysis in Chinese Patients with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Revealed Novel DNAH5 Copy Number Variations
Chen WeichengORCID, Guo ZhuoyaoORCID, Li MengruORCID, Sheng WeiORCID, Huang GuoyingORCID
AbstractPrimary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare disorder characterized by extensive genetic heterogeneity. However, in the genetic pathogenesis of PCD, copy number variation (CNV) has not received sufficient attention and has rarely been reported, especially in China. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) followed by targeted CNV analysis was used in patients highly suspected to have PCD with negative results in routine whole-exome sequencing (WES) analysis. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and Sanger sequencing were used to confirm these CNVs. To further characterize the ciliary phenotypes, high-speed video microscopy analysis (HSVA), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and immunofluorescence (IF) analysis were used. Patient 1 (F1: II-1), a 0.6-year-old girl, came from a nonconsanguineous family-I. She presented with situs inversus totalis, neonatal respiratory distress, and sinusitis. The nasal nitric oxide level was markedly reduced. The respiratory cilia beat with reduced amplitude. TEM revealed shortened outer dynein arms (ODA) of cilia. chr5:13717907-13722661del spanning exons 71–72 was identified by NGS-based CNV analysis. Patient 2 (F2: IV-4), a 37-year-old man, and his eldest brother Patient 3 (F2: IV-2) came from a consanguineous family-II. Both had sinusitis, bronchiectasis and situs inversus totalis. The respiratory cilia of Patient 2 and Patient 3 were found to be uniformly immotile, with ODA defects. Two novel homozygous deletions chr5:13720087_13733030delinsGTTTTC and chr5:13649539_1 3707643del, spanning exons 69–71 and exons 77–79 were identified by NGS-based CNV analysis. Abnormalities in DNA copy number were confirmed by qPCR amplification. IF showed that the respiratory cilia of Patient 1 and Patient 2 were deficient in dynein axonemal heavy chain 5 (DNAH5) protein expression. This report identified three novel DNAH5 disease-associated variants by WES-based CNV analysis. Our study expands the genetic spectrum of PCD with DNAH5 in the Chinese population.
Shanghai Natural Science Foundation of Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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