1. R. W. Fogel, ?Railroads and American economic growth,? in: Essays in Econometric History, Baltimore (1964).
2. N. P. Puzyrevskii, ?Waterways and railroads in the interpretation of statistical data,? Puti Soobshch. Rossi, No. 5?6 (1909).
3. V. E. Timonov, ?General information about the circumstances of forming the Interdepartmental Commission?and a brief review of its activities (1909?1912),? in: Minutes of the Interdepartmental Commission [in Russian], MPS, Pg (1915).
4. Programs of Studies and Works on Waterways [in Russian], MPS, SPb (1912).
5. Plan of Electrification of the RSFSR. Paper 8 Presented to the Congress of Soviets of the State Commission for Electrification of Russia, Moscow (1920).