1. R. Scherhag,Die Zirkulation in den hohen Luftschichten, Meteorol. Rdsch.18 (1965), 81.
2. Karin Labitzke,The nearly two year cycle of the midwinter warmings and of the final warmings in the stratosphere, COSPAR Symposium, Vienna (May 1966).
3. G. Warnecke,Der Ablauf der nordhemisphärischen Stratosphärenzirkulation im Jahre 1958, Met. Abh. Band XXVIII, Heft 2 Berlin (1962).
4. Karin Labitzke,On the relation between Statosphere and Troposphere during periods of stratospheric warming in winter. J. of appl. Met.4, 91 (1965).
5. F. Baur,Das Feriodogramm hundertjähriger Temperaturbeobachtungen in Berlin (Innenstadt), Met. Z.44 (1927), 414.