Higher spins from exotic dualisations


Boulanger NicolasORCID,Lekeu VictorORCID


Abstract At the free level, a given massless field can be described by an infinite number of different potentials related to each other by dualities. In terms of Young tableaux, dualities replace any number of columns of height hi by columns of height D − 2 − hi, where D is the spacetime dimension: in particular, applying this operation to empty columns gives rise to potentials containing an arbitrary number of groups of D − 2 extra antisymmetric indices. Using the method of parent actions, action principles including these potentials, but also extra fields, can be derived from the usual ones. In this paper, we revisit this off-shell duality and clarify the counting of degrees of freedom and the role of the extra fields. Among others, we consider the examples of the double dual graviton in D = 5 and two cases, one topological and one dynamical, of exotic dualities leading to spin three fields in D = 3.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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1. Dualisation of free fields;Annals of Physics;2023-06

2. Higher dualisations of linearised gravity and the $$ {A}_1^{+++} $$ algebra;Journal of High Energy Physics;2022-12-27

3. Gauge symmetry of linearised Nordström gravity and the dual spin two field theory;The European Physical Journal C;2022-09-02

4. Reducible Stueckelberg symmetry and dualities;Physics Letters B;2021-09

5. A master exceptional field theory;Journal of High Energy Physics;2021-06








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