1. [Ar 1] ARSHINOV, M.N. (М.Н. Аршинов)Lattice isomorphisms of certain groups decomposable into a free product, Mat. Zap. Krasnoyarsk. Pedagog. Inst., 3 (1970), 74–86 (in Russian).
2. [Ar 2] —On projectivities of pure supersolvable groups, Dokl. Akad. Nauk Belorussia SSR, 14, No. 11 (1970), 984–985 (in Russian).
3. [Ar 3] —On lattice isomorphisms of mixed nilpotent groups, Trudy Zon. Objed. Math. Kafedr Pedagog. Inst. Sibiri, 2 (1972), 8–29 (in Russian).
4. [Ar 4] —Lattice isomorphisms of certain solvable torsion-free groups, Trudy Mosk. Inst. Inj. Transp., 385 (1971), 125–141 (in Russian).
5. [Ar-Sa] ARSHINOV, M.N. and L.E. SADOVSKIÎ (М.Н. Аршинов, Л.Е. Садовский)Certain lattice-theoretic properties of groups and semigroups, Usp. Mat. Nauk, 27, No. 6 (1972), 139–180 (in Russian).