1. C. Risito,On the Ljapunov stability of a system with known first integrals, « Meccanica », J. Italian Assoc. Theoret. Appl. Mech.,2 (1967), pp. 197–200.
2. C. Risito,Some theorems on the stability and the partial asymptotic stability of systems with known first integrals, Comptes Rendus des Journées Nationales du C.B.R.M., Mons (Belgio), 24–26 maggio 1971, pp. 53–56.
3. C. Risito,The comparison method applied to the stability of systems with known first integrals, lavoro esposto alla « VI-th Int. Conf. on Nonlinear Oscillations », Poznań (Polonia), 29 agosto – 4 settembre 1972, e pubblicato sulla Rivista « Nonlinear Vibration Problems »,15 (1974), pp. 25–45.
4. C. Risito,Attractivity and instability for steady motions of holonomic dissipative systems, Actes de la Conf. Int. « Equa-Diff 73 », Bruxelles et Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgio), 3–8 settembre 1973;Equations différentielles et fonctionnelles non linéaires, Hermann, Paris, pp. 597–609.
5. P. Habets -C. Risito,Stability criteria for systems with first integrals, generalizing theorems of Routh and Salvadori, Actes de la Conf. Int. « Equa-Diff 73 », pp. 569–580.