1. Brady K, Noble D (2008) Towards an ISO standard for carbon footprint. ISO Focus Februar 2008, S. 22–24
2. Carbon Trust (2007) Carbon Footprint Measurement Methodology. Version 1.3. Online unter: www.carbon-label.co.uk
3. European Commission Joint Research Centre (2007) Carbon Footprint – what it is and how to measure it. Online unter: http://lca.jrc.ec.europa.eu/Carbon_footprint.pdf
4. Climate Neutral Network (2005) Climate Neutral Network Offset Protocol. Executive Summary. Online unter: www.climateneutralnetwork.org
5. ISA UK [Integrated Sustainability Analyses UK] (Hrsg.) (2007) A Definition of Carbon Footprint. ISA UK Research Report 07-01. Online unter: http://www.isa-research.co.uk/docs/ISA-UK_Report_07-01_carbon_footprint.pdf