1. Bocklisch T, Böttiger M, Paulitschke M (2013) „Application oriented photovoltaic-hybrid system test-bed with battery, hydrogen and heat storage path“, International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, Nuremberg, 12–16 May 2013, VDE Verlag GmbH Berlin Offenbach. ISBN: 978-3-8007-3505-1
2. Lödl M, Witzmann R (2010) „Abschätzung des Photovoltaik-Potentials auf Dachflächen in Deutschland“, 11. Symposium Energieinnovation, Graz/Austria
3. Riffonneau Y, Bacha S, Barruel F, Ploix S (2011) Optimal power flow management for grid connected PV systems with batteries. IEEE Transcations on Sustainable Energy 2(3):309–320
4. Bocklisch T (2011) „Advanced energy management concept for decentralized power supply units“, International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics Intelligent Motion and Power Quality, VDE Verlag GmbH Berlin Offenbach. ISBN: 978-3-8007-3344-6
5. Bocklisch T (2011) „Optimal design and energy management of decentralized PV-power supply units with short-term and long-term energy storage path“, 3rd European Conference Smart Grids and E-Mobility 2011, OTTI Regensburg. ISBN: 978-3-941785-731