Sleep-physiological correlates of brachycephaly in dogs


Iotchev Ivaylo Borislavov,Bognár Zsófia,Tóth Katinka,Reicher Vivien,Kis Anna,Kubinyi Enikő


AbstractThe shape of the cranium is one of the most notable physical changes induced in domestic dogs through selective breeding and is measured using the cephalic index (CI). High CI (a ratio of skull width to skull length > 60) is characterized by a short muzzle and flat face and is referred to as brachycephaly. Brachycephalic dogs display some potentially harmful changes in neuroanatomy, and there are implications for differences in behavior, as well. The path from anatomy to cognition, however, has not been charted in its entirety. Here, we report that sleep-physiological markers of white-matter loss (high delta power, low frontal spindle frequency, i.e., spindle waves/s), along with a spectral profile for REM (low beta, high delta) associated with low intelligence in humans, are each linked to higher CI values in the dog. Additionally, brachycephalic subjects spent more time sleeping, suggesting that the sleep apnea these breeds usually suffer from increases daytime sleepiness. Within sleep, more time was spent in the REM sleep stage than in non-REM, while REM duration was correlated positively with the number of REM episodes across dogs. It is currently not clear if the patterns of sleep and sleep-stage duration are mainly caused by sleep-impairing troubles in breathing and thermoregulation, present a juvenile-like sleeping profile, or are caused by neuro-psychological conditions secondary to the effects of brachycephaly, e.g., frequent REM episodes are known to appear in human patients with depression. While future studies should more directly address the interplay of anatomy, physiology, and behavior within a single experiment, this represents the first description of how the dynamics of the canine brain covary with CI, as measured in resting companion dogs using a non-invasive sleep EEG methodology. The observations suggest that the neuroanatomical changes accompanying brachycephaly alter neural systems in a way that can be captured in the sleep EEG, thus supporting the utility of the latter in the study of canine brain health and function.


Horizon 2020

Momentum, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Eötvös Loránd University


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Histology,General Neuroscience,Anatomy

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