1. E. M. Breinan and B. H. Kear, Rapid Solidification Processing, Principles and Technologies I, Claitors Publ., (1978), p. 87.
2. P. R. Strutt, Mat. Sci. Eng., 49, 87 (1981).
3. B. G. Lewis, D. A. Gilbert, and P. R. Strutt, Rapid Solidification Processing, Principles and Technologies II, Claitors Publ., (1980), p. 221.
4. P. R. Strutt and M. Tuli, in Rapidly Solidified Amorphous and Crystal-line Alloys, Proc. of Materials Research Society Symposium F., (1981), Elsevier (to be published).
5. P. R. Strutt, H. Nowotny, M. Tuli, and B. H. Kear, Mat. Sci. Eng., 36 (217) (1978).