1. Economic Commision for Europe, ECE-Regelung 15, Anh. 4 Anl. 3, Abgase aus Ottomotoren und best. Dieselmotoren. S. 46ff.
2. Road Load Measurement and Dynamometer Simulation using Coastdown Settings, SAE Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice J1263, Warrendale, PA Feb 96
3. Road Load Measurement using an Onboard Anemometry and Coastdown Techniques, SAE Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice J2263, Warrendale, PA Oct 96
4. Passmore, M.A.; leGood, G.M.; A detailed drag study using the coastdown method, SAE Paper 940420, Detroit Michigan 1994
5. Buckley, Frank T. Jr.; ABCD — An improved Coast Down Test and Analysis Method, SAE Paper 950626, SAE World Congress Detroit, Michigan, February 27-March 2, 1995