Tumour perfusion is a nutrient-agnostic biomarker for cancer metabolic rate. Use of tumour perfusion for cancer growth assessment has been limited by complicated image acquisition, image analysis and limited field-of-view scanners. Long axial field-of-view (LAFOV) PET scan using [15O]H2O, allows quantitative assessment of whole-body tumour perfusion. We created a tool for automated creation of quantitative parametric whole-body tumour perfusion images in metastatic cancer.
Ten metastatic prostate cancer patients underwent dynamic LAFOV [15O]H2O PET (Siemens, Quadra) followed by [18F]PSMA-1007 PET. Perfusion was measured as [15O]H2O K1 (mL/min/mL) with a single-tissue compartment model and an automatically captured cardiac image-derived input function. Parametric perfusion images were automatically calculated using the basis-function method with initial voxel-wise delay estimation and a leading-edge approach. Subsequently, perfusion of volumes-of-interest (VOI) can be directly extracted from the parametric images. We used a [18F]PSMA-1007 SUV 4 fixed threshold for tumour delineation and transferred these VOIs to the perfusion map.
For 8 primary tumours, 64 lymph node metastases, and 85 bone metastases, median tumour perfusion were 0.19 (0.15–0.27) mL/min/mL, 0.16 (0.13–0.27) mL/min/mL, and 0.26 (0.21–0.39), respectively. The correlation between calculated perfusion from time-activity-curves and parametric images was excellent (r = 0.99, p < 0.0001).
LAFOV PET imaging using [15O]H2O enables truly quantitative parametric images of whole-body tumour perfusion, a potential biomarker for guiding personalized treatment and monitoring treatment response.
Tømrermester Jørgen Holm og hustru Elisa f. Hansens Mindelegat
P. A. Messerschmidt og Hustrus Fond
Fabrikant Einar Willumsens Mindelegat
Else og Mogens Wedell Wedellsborgs Fond
Novo Nordisk Fonden
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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