[18F]Flortaucipir PET is a powerful diagnostic and prognostic tool for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Tau status definition is mainly based in the literature on semi-quantitative measures while in clinical settings visual assessment is usually preferred. We compared visual assessment with established semi-quantitative measures to classify subjects and predict the risk of cognitive decline in a memory clinic population.
We included 245 individuals from the Geneva Memory Clinic who underwent [18F]flortaucipir PET. Amyloid status was available for 207 individuals and clinical follow-up for 135. All scans were blindly evaluated by three independent raters who visually classified the scans according to Braak stages.
Standardized uptake value ratio (SUVR) values were obtained from a global meta-ROI to define tau positivity, and the Simplified Temporo-Occipital Classification (STOC) was applied to obtain semi-quantitatively tau stages. The agreement between measures was tested using Cohen’s kappa (k). ROC analysis and linear mixed-effects models were applied to test the diagnostic and prognostic values of tau status and stages obtained with the visual and semi-quantitative approaches.
We found good inter-rater reliability in the visual interpretation of tau Braak stages, independently from the rater’s expertise (k>0.68, p<0.01). A good agreement was equally found between visual and SUVR-based classifications for tau status (k=0.67, p<0.01). All tau-assessment modalities significantly discriminated amyloid-positive MCI and demented subjects from others (AUC>0.80) and amyloid-positive from negative subjects (AUC>0.85). Linear mixed-effect models showed that tau-positive individuals presented a significantly faster cognitive decline than the tau-negative group (p<0.01), independently from the classification method.
Our results show that visual assessment is reliable for defining tau status and stages in a memory clinic population. The high inter-rater reliability, the substantial agreement, and the similar diagnostic and prognostic performance of visual rating and semi-quantitative methods demonstrate that [18F]flortaucipir PET can be robustly assessed visually in clinical practice.
Innovative Medicines Initiative
Swiss National Science Foundation
Velux foundation
Fondation Ernst et Lucie Schmidheiny
Aetas Foundation
University of Geneva
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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4 articles.