1. FDA Approves Updated Warfarin (Coumadin) Prescribing Information: New Genetic Information May Help Providers Improve Initial Dosing Estimates of the Anticoagulant for Individual Patients. http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/2007/NEW01684.html . Accessed February 19, 2009.
2. Verigene Warfarin Test. http://www.nanosphere.us/VerigeneWarfarinMetabolismNucleicAcidTest_4472.aspx . Accessed February 19, 2009.
3. Kimball Warfarin Test. http://www.kimballgenetics.com/pdf/WarfarinEdusheetv7.pdf . Accessed February 19, 2009.
4. Genelex Warfarin Test. http://www.healthanddna.com/drug-safety/warfarin.html . Accessed February 19, 2009.
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