The Equivalence Problem in Analytic Dynamics for 1-Resonance


Rousseau ChristianeORCID


AbstractWhen are two germs of analytic systems conjugate or orbitally equivalent under an analytic change of coordinates in a neighborhood of a singular point? The present paper, of a survey nature, presents a research program around this question. A way to answer is to use normal forms. However, there are large classes of dynamical systems for which the change of coordinates to a normal form diverges. In this paper, we discuss the case of singularities for which the normalizing transformation is k-summable, thus allowing to provide moduli spaces. We explain the common geometric features of these singularities, and show that the study of their unfoldings allows understanding both the singularities themselves, and the geometric obstructions to convergence of the normalizing transformations. We also present some moduli spaces for generic k-parameter families unfolding such singularities.


Canadian Network for Research and Innovation in Machining Technology, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Mathematics

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