1. J. L. Kelly et al., Status report on the conceptual design of a commercial tokamak hybrid reactor (CTHR), Westinghouse Electric Corporation, WFPS-TME-79-022 (1979).
2. UCID-18808,1980
3. R. W. Moir, The fusion-fission fuel factory, inFusion, E. Teller, ed. (Academic Press, New York, 1981), Part B, chap. 15, pp. 411?452.
4. AEEW-R;D. Jakeman,1979
5. J. D. Bender, ed., Reference design for the standard mirror hybrid reactor, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-52478 (1978), and General Atomic Company, GA-A14796 (1978); joint report.