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2. Isihara, A., Kojima, David Y.: Z. Physik B21, 33 (1975)
3. Isihara, A.: Statistical Physics, p. 302. N.Y.: Academic Press 1971 Note that the eigenvalue expression given by Eq. (8.9) does not include a spin factor 2. Note also that these eigenvalues are for the grand partition function in the ring diagram approximation
4. Fetter, A.L., Walecka, J.D.: Quantum Theory of Many-Particle Systems, p. 166. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Publ. Co. 1971 The correction? is given by Eq. (30.80) on p. 286
5. Stevens, F.A. Jr., Pokrant, M.A.: Phys. Rev.8A, 990 (1973)