1. E. D. FERRANTE, Ed., Trace Metals: Exposure and Health Effects Commission of the European communities, 1979.
2. Report of the Surgeon General, Cancer; The Health Consequences of Smoking, US Dept. Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, Maryland, 1982.
3. E. J. UNDERWOOD, Trace elements in Human and Animal Nutrition, 4th Edn. Academic Press, NewYork, 1977, pp. 345.
4. A. S. PRASAD, Ed. Essential and Toxic Trace Elements in Human Health and Disease, An Update, Wiley-Liss, NewYork, 1993.
5. K. HEYDORN, Neutron Activation Analysis for Clinical Trace Element Research, Vol. 2, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1989, p. 131.