1. CMS collaboration, Measurement of the
$ t\overline{t} $
production cross section in the dilepton channel in pp collisions at
$ s=\sqrt{7} $
11 (2012) 067 [arXiv:1208.2671] [INSPIRE].
2. CMS collaboration, Top pair cross section in dileptons, CMS-PAS-TOP-12-007 (2012).
3. ATLAS collaboration, Combination of ATLAS and CMS top-quark pair cross section measurements using up to 1.1 fb
of data at 7 TeV, ATLAS-CONF-2012-134 (2012).
4. CMS collaboration, First Determination of the Strong Coupling Constant from the ttbar Cross Section, CMS-PAS-TOP-12-022 (2012).
5. CMS collaboration, Combination of CMS results on the mass of the top quark using up to 5.0 fb
of data, CMS-PAS-TOP-11-018 (2011).