1. P. K. Koh and C. G. Duan:Trans. AIME, 1955, vol. 203, p. 401.
2. C. G. Dunn and P. K. Koh:Trans. AIME, 1956, vol. 206, p. 1017.
3. H. Hu, “Recovery and Recrystallization of Metals”, L. Himmel, ed., pp. 311–62, Interscience, New York, 1963.
4. J. L. Walter and E. F. Koch:Acta Met., 1963, vol. 11, p. 923.
5. R. D. Doherty and R. W. Cahn:J. of Less Common Metals, 1972, vol. 28, p. 279.