Bulk phase shift, CFT Regge limit and Einstein gravity


Kulaxizi Manuela,Parnachev Andrei,Zhiboedov Alexander


Abstract The bulk phase shift, related to a CFT four-point function, describes two-to-two scattering at fixed impact parameter in the dual AdS spacetime. We describe its properties for a generic CFT and then focus on large N CFTs with classical bulk duals. We compute the bulk phase shift for vector operators using Regge theory. We use causality and unitarity to put bounds on the bulk phase shift. The resulting constraints bound three-point functions of two vector operators and the stress tensor in terms of the gap o the theory. Similar bounds should hold for any spinning operator in a CFT. Holographically this implies that in a classical gravitational theory any non-minimal coupling to the graviton, as well as any other particle with spin greater than or equal to two, is suppressed by the mass of higher spin particles.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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