1. “On the Need for Practical Formal Methods”, Constance Heitmeyer, Proceedings of the 5thInternational Symposium on Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Real-Time Fault-Tolerant Systems (FTRTFT’98), Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No.1486, September 1998, p.18.
2. “A Controlled Experiment in Program Testing and Code Walkthroughs/Inspections”, Glenford Myers, Communications of the ACM, Vol.21,No.9 (September 1978), p.760.
3. “Software Inspection and the Industrial Production of Software”, A.Frank Ackerman, Priscilla Fowler, and Robert Ebenau, Proceedings of the Symposium on Software Validation, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1984, p.13.
4. “Software Inspections: An Effective Verification Process”, A.Frank Ackerman, Lynne Buchwald, and Frank Lewski, IEEE Software, Vol.6,No.3 (May 1989), p.31.
5. “Handbook of Walkthroughs, Inspections, and Technical Reviews”, Daniel Freedman and Gerald Weinberg, Dorset House, 1990.