1. G. Dearnaley, Nucl. Inst. Methods 189 (1980) 117.
2. Idem, Trans. Inst. Met. Finish. 56 (1978) 25.
3. S. G. Roberts and T. F. Page, ?Ion Implantation into Metals?, edited by V. Ashworth, W. A. Grant and R. P. M. Proctor (Pergamon, Oxford, 1982).
4. G. Carter and W. A. Grant, ?Ion Implantation of Semiconductors? (Edward Arnold, London, (1976).
5. J. Lindhard, M. Scharff and H. E. Schiøtt, Matt. Fys. Med. Kgl. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. 35 (1966) No. 9.