1. J. H. Davidson, P. Lacombe, A. M. Huntz, C. Roques-Carmes, J. C. Pivin and D. Delaunay, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Behaviour of High Temperature Alloys in Agressive Environments, Petten, October 1979 (Petten Establishment, 1980) p. 209.
2. J. H. Davidson, ?Journ�es d'Etudes du Comit� Fran�ais d'Electrothermie?, Versailles (Ao�t, 1978).
3. J. C. Pivin, D. Delaunay, C. Roques-Carmes, A. M. Huntz and P. Lacombe, Corrosion Sci. 20 (1980) 351.
4. D. Delaunay, A. M. Huntz and P. Lacombe, Corrosion Sci. 20 (1980) 1109.
5. D. Delaunay, Dr -Ing. Thesis, Paris-Sud University, Orsay, France, 1980.