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2. Agmon, S., Kannai, Y.: On the asymptotic behavior of spectral functions and resolvent kernels of elliptic operators. Israel J. Math.5, 1?30 (1967)
3. Agmon, S.: Asymptotic formulas with remainder estimates for eigenvalues of elliptic operators. Arch. rat. Mech. Analysis28, 165?183 (1968)
4. Agmon, S.: Asymptotic formulas with remainder estimates for eigenvalues of elliptic operators. In: Proceedings of the CIME Conference on Pseudodifferential Operators, (Stresa, 1968) pp. 1?10. Roma: Cremonese 1969
5. Avakumovi?, V. G.: Seminar über elliptische Eigenwertprobleme. Ausarbeitung Aachen 1965