1. Z. Baranyai, “On the factorization of the complete uniform hypergraph”, in: Hajnal, Rado, Sós, eds., Infinite and finite sets 1 (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1975) pp. 91–108.
2. Z. Baranyai, “The Edge-Colouring of Complete Hypergraphs I”, Journal of Combinatorial Theory B (to appear).
3. Z. Baranyai, “La coloration des arêtes des hypergraphes completes II”, Proceedings of the Collocq. held in Paris-Orsay, 1976 (to appear).
4. C. Berge, Graphs and hypergraphs (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1973; second edition: 1976).
5. C. Berge, “Nombres de coloration de l’hypergraphe h-harti complet”, in: C. Berge and D.K. Ray-Chaudhury, eds., Hypergraph seminar, Lecture Note Math. 411 (Springer Verlag, Berlin) pp. 13–20.