AbstractThe study presents the results of tests of local static and cyclic properties of an explosively welded AA2519-AA1050-Ti6Al4V layered material. In order to perform the analysis, tests were carried out with the use of microspecimens collected from 10 layers of AA2519-AA1050-Ti6Al4V material. Additionally, the determined static properties were compared with the results of an analysis based on microhardness measurement. Based on the test results, slight differences in static properties were found for particular layers of the material as well as a distinct softening of the AA2519 layer in relation to the base values. It was also found that the application of microhardness measurement for analysis of static properties can lead to their overestimation. Cyclic properties were described by the Ramberg-Osgood model. As in the case of static properties, the cyclic properties of particular layers of AA2519-AA1050-Ti6Al4V material differ insignificantly. The tests of cyclic properties showed that application for their description the Ramberg-Osgood model, based on parameters determined for whole range of plastic strains, can lead to significant errors in the modeling of a layered material. The cyclic instability of Ti6Al4V and AA2519 alloys has a significant influence on the parameters to be determined for material models of the analyzed material.
Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Metals and Alloys,Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials
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