1. AACC (1999) AACC method 39-00.01. Near-infrared methods—guidelines for model development and maintenance. AAAC International, St. Paul
2. ALSC (2013) American lumber standard committee board of review: board of review minutes. American Lumber Standards Committee, Germantown
3. ASTM D4761 (2013) ASTM D4761-13: standard test methods for mechanical properties of lumber and wood-base structural material. ASTM International, West Conshohocken
4. ASTM D143 (2014a) ASTM D143-14: standard test methods for small clear specimens of timber. ASTM International, West Conshohocken
5. ASTM D198 (2014b) ASTM D198-14: standard test methods of static tests of lumber in structural sizes. ASTM International, West Conshohocken